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时间:2023-09-16 10:24:03 公文范文 来源:网友投稿





  Welcome you to Beijing"s Forbidden City! Also called the Forbidden City, here are two generations of the Ming dynasty in the imperial palace, for our country is now the largest and most prosperous of ancient architectural complexes, an area of 15500 square meters, more than 9000 houses. Around the Forbidden City has 10 meters high walls, corners of the wall have a magnificent strange watchtower.


  From the meridian gate to enter the Forbidden City, and then along the central axis, in turn, to visit the jinshui bridge, the gate, taihe palace, zhonghe palace, Ming palace, tai temple, palace of earthly tranquility, the imperial garden. Visiting the imperial garden, can pass to the left of the garden door into the east sixth in turn to visit the palace of gathering excellence, yi kun palace, YongShou palace, salty fu palace, longevity palace, tai chi temple, and then the right door to dry bright square, east into the inside the left door, can, in turn, to visit the jubilee palace, yonghe palace, palace, sunell group by the palace. Visiting the east sixth changqing gate along the east, and then enter the emperor extremely door, can visit Huangji Palace, tranquility and palace, actors floor, chang pavilion, temple raises a gender, the qianlong garden, zhen princess well, finally a zhen shun the west door the creature can leave the pala...



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